Spring Break! Edu-iCare Program visits Nevada, staying at the prestigious Luxor hotel for three nights and four days.

All of California Staff and program students enjoyed visiting the great Red Rock mountain ranges, meeting the friendly donkeys of Red Rock, and hiking the red canyons in the open, fresh air. Studying the architecture and standing history of the Hoover Dam left a lasting impression on our program students. Lake Mead provided a great place to bond and relax as students and staff enjoyed group games, skipping stones across the lake in competition, and feeding the many large fish local to Lake Mead. Of course, in Vegas, the students and staff enjoyed the aesthetic of the Las Vegas Strip and its many shopping malls, not limited to the exquisite, scrumptious buffets and restaurants catering to every person's taste for both food domestic and abroad. The students really appreciated the time to bond with one another over the course of the activities and road trips and would like to go again!

Come with us next time, won't you?